19 Aug 2006


religion. thats right.religion. no other topic anywhere in the world can spark as much controversy as religion which is really surprising because the essence of almost all religions practised around the world is the same. all religions preach universal values of justice, compassion and equality. human beings murder fellow human beings in the name of religion.im very sure that no religion condones the use of violence especially aginst unarmed, innocent beings.tolerance is another virtue preached by all religions yet this is one quality that we as human beings,intelligent and supposedly rational beings are increasingly begining to lack.
forget talking about tolerance towards other cultures or races or anything big like that. just ask yourself a simple question. even in an argument with like minded individuals who share your background, how many of us can actually listen to something that is radically different from what we think? how many of us can say that we have never been dismissive of another person's ideas? how many of us can say that we have never shouted down another person in a friendly argument? our intollerant attitudes are reflected in our leaders. thats why there is so much conflict in today's world. in a recent article in the hindu(dated 9 aug 2006),jackie ashley says there is a battle of ideas going on in today's world and we cannot escape or walk away but we cant attempt to kill ideas with guns either. our basic intolerance towards other ideas and beliefs is what has made our world so scary and unsafe today.
intolerance has been the major reason for some of the greatest catastrophes in the history of mankind. wwII happend because of one man's intolerance towards the rest of the world. just imagine where our collective intolerance might lead us to?


are all men really that stupid or do they just act so thinking that women might feel bad if we find out that they re as smart as we are. well, if that's the case boys... good job. we don't have a clue.U rea...lly have us fooled!!!and whats with the ' what do women really want' ,crap?? nothing much really. a little bit of sensitivity, a little bit of intelligence and a little less body odour. is that so difficult to give? then there is all that about 'what she really means?'
NEWS FLASH!!!! she might actually mean what she says......
most men claim that they are not chauvinists but then when u say u want to pursue an MBA in marketing they say "wont that be too hectic especially for a girl?"....yeah not chauvinistic at all....

18 Aug 2006


I'm so excited.this is the first time I'm blogging and I think its great. My friends say that i have an opinion about everything. For instance statistics. whenever u come across statistics, any kind of statistics,ever observe the numbers u see? they are all strange, random numbers like 1123,496,314.never numbers like 100,450,10000. never numbers u or me or any almost normal human being can remember.and those statistics quoting freaks...... well, i think they are all making it up. its not like anyone is ever going to remember a number like 38951043 and verify..